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These days, every company is in the software industry. It is not easy to locate a business that does not have a web app or an app. Companies frequently use ready-to-use platforms to assist in developing their apps to find quick fixes. Sadly, many of these enterprises end up unhappy since off-the-shelf platforms don’t perfectly fit their demands. Such issues have a practical answer in custom app development.

Personalizing mobile apps can be a valuable tool to help your staff, workflows, and company overall. Still, many businesses need help creating tailored software that fits their requirements.

Custom Mobile App Development

Custom Applications: What Are They?

Custom applications, sometimes called bespoke or tailor-made apps, are software programs designed to meet the needs of a specific audience rather than those of the general public. These apps, which may be fully or partially modified, offer features and capabilities that basic off-the-shelf alternatives cannot.

For instance, we finished the first build of a custom app for the finance business Cardless in just three months, catering to their unique requirements. Cardless wants to provide brand aficionados with a distinctive credit card experience, and our custom app helps them achieve that goal.

What is Custom Mobile App Development?

Custom Mobile App Development is creating apps from scratch with a customized set of functionalities for the unique demands of a particular organization or team. The name says it all.

The majority of apps that you find on the market are customized. Nonetheless, a large number of them incorporate pre-made elements that were incorporated from outside sources. These integrations are typically created for chats, message boards, CRMs, and other features.

Choosing the ready-to-eat option is acceptable, but occasionally you need something special.

The same holds for your company. Specific commercial solutions are limited to addressing only the essential requirements of your company, leaving out specific objectives that, while not fundamental, are yet vital to your success.

Advantages of Custom Mobile App Development

The benefits of making this choice should be covered before we get into detail about the bespoke app creation process. The following are the advantages of custom development over pre-made solutions:

Strengthened security protocols

In some situations, ready-made business apps need the necessary security measures, which puts your data security at risk. Developing a personalized application enables you to use particular security protocols for your company and data encryption to eliminate any concerns or hazards. Additionally, a tailored approach satisfies different OS and API requirements.

Excellent flexibility and scalability

One more problem with off-the-shelf programs is that they are typically designed to handle a small amount of resources. While this isn’t always a bad thing, as your company expands, generic apps may be unable to manage increased data volumes. 

In contrast to off-the-shelf apps, Custom Mobile App Development can quickly solve this issue. This is so because scalability and flexibility are two things that custom apps typically aim to achieve. Custom apps can expand your company more simply and be prepared to handle larger volumes of data without sacrificing speed or performance.

Simpler maintenance

You become dependent on an unidentified Custom Mobile App Development company when you use a ready-made app. You will be left without ongoing development if they choose to halt it. Developing a personalized application gives you complete command over the creation and upkeep of the program, removing any need for external assistance.

An advantage over competitors in the market

Competitive advantages are crucial for any organization but are more critical for new ones. It is difficult for off-the-shelf solutions to expand their capabilities to accommodate more functions. You may distinguish your goods from the competition and showcase your company’s competitive advantages with custom applications.

increased productivity and efficiency

When it comes to developing custom mobile applications, you receive software that facilitates the particular operations of your company. This leads to a workflow that is more effective and takes into consideration all of your unique needs. You can also streamline operational processes and automate repetitive jobs to save time and effort.

Higher productivity levels result from this customized optimization since workers may concentrate on critical activities instead of being sidetracked by inefficient generic software solutions.

Enhanced system integration with current systems

One of their most notable advantages is the seamless integration of custom apps with an organization’s current infrastructure. In the beginning, custom apps can be made to integrate with every system you currently have, which improves data accessibility and consistency. Integration builds a coherent technological ecosystem that supports all corporate activities and decision-making processes, preventing data silos and operational snags.

Individualized user encounter

Your target audience may have particular demands, tastes, and behaviors; thus, the app’s UX design should be tailored to their needs. This level of personalization offered by custom apps considerably raises engagement and retention rates while also improving user happiness. To better satisfy customer requests, you can examine user input and behavior and make additional aesthetic and functional improvements to your bespoke app.

Custom App Types

Depending on the platform they are meant for and their particular objectives, there are three basic categories of bespoke apps. These include custom web, hybrid, and mobile apps created only for iOS and Android.

Let’s examine each kind in more detail.‍

Unique Native Custom Mobile App Development

Using platform-specific programming languages and tools, such as Kotlin for Android and Swift for iOS, native applications are created especially for a single platform, such as Android or iOS. The hardware and software features of the device can be accessed entirely by custom native mobile apps. They thereby provide the finest user experience and the highest performance.

When is the ideal time to do this kind of development?

Applications requiring intricate animations, heavy graphics, or fast responsiveness are best suited for native mobile software development. Consider apps for gaming or photo editing, for instance. However, since unique versions must be made for each platform, developing native apps can be more expensive and time-consuming. We’ll discuss this kind of Custom Mobile App Development later in the article.

Unique online applications

Web applications are essentially webpages made to feel and appear like native apps and are accessed via the user’s web browser on their device. They are widely compatible since they are made with standard web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, or Angular) and can be accessed on any device with a web browser.

When is the ideal time to do this Custom Mobile App Development?

Web applications are a viable choice for companies looking to roll out an app quickly and affordably, even if they can’t take full advantage of a device’s hardware capabilities and might not perform as well as native apps. They are also simpler and faster to design and maintain. In addition, you may own a mobile edition of the program and wish to expand its online functionality.

Unique hybrid applications

As the name implies, hybrid applications integrate features from the web and native mobile applications. After being constructed with web technologies (such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript), they are placed into a native container. This makes the program installable on a mobile device like a native app, even if it is a web application.

Through the native container or framework they’re wrapped in, such as Apache Cordova (previously Phone Gap) or Ionic, hybrid apps can access some of the native functionalities of the device. In this manner, they can continue to be designed as web apps yet function more like native apps on mobile devices.

Custom Mobile App Development
Custom Mobile App Development

The Complete Guide to Creating Custom Mobile App Development In Bangladesh

With a few minor adjustments along the way, developing a bespoke app is the same as creating other software development techniques. We acknowledge that to guarantee a complete, usable result, you are more likely to pay developers for this task—either by assembling an internal team, contracting out custom software development, or acquiring a turnkey software solution.

We’ll provide a ton of material on custom app creation and detailed advice later in this area. Recall that our goal is to provide you with a process guide and a clear image. Why? Because understanding how things operate will benefit you, particularly if you’re preparing to oversee the project independently.

If you choose to outsource, you can be confident that a software development team or independent contractors will handle the technical heavy lifting, freeing you up to focus on managing and making decisions.

Step1: Make plans and research

You want to take the first steps toward realizing your app idea. The ideal starting point is a discovery phase that will assist you in comprehending the market’s demands and the possible role your app may play in it. Right now, you

  • Examine your main rivals to find holes in the market and areas where your app may innovate.
  • Participate in concept validation and brainstorming.
  • To ensure your app concept meets every demand in a novel and distinctive way, test it with prospective customers through focus groups or surveys.

Development of business strategies

It would help if you now decided on your business plan and the app’s revenue-generating strategy (we’ll go over various monetization strategies later in the text).

Research on target audiences

Additionally, your app’s performance greatly depends on understanding your target market. Choose the target audience for your app, considering variables like age, geography, and hobbies, among others. You may also create user personas to picture your target audience and guide your design and development strategy. Our guide outlining the product design process contains excellent advice on crafting user personas.

Choice of the tech stack

As stated, the technology type of the app influences the technology stack required for Bespoke Custom Mobile App development. If you choose native apps, for instance, you will have to deal with the programming languages and technologies related to each platform (e.g., Kotlin for Android and Swift for iOS).


Additionally, list every requirement for your application, both functional and non-functional. Selecting the appropriate database design, backend technologies, and third-party connectors for analytics, payment processing, and other requirements are all included in this.

IT assistance

Lastly, you need to locate a trustworthy software development partner if you still need an internal team and have the opportunity to create one. This is when you choose to use external custom mobile app development services.

We have two guides outlining the process of outsourcing IT, one about general outsourcing and the other on Custom Mobile App Development, to help you get started.

Step 2: Create the unique application

Once your custom mobile app development plan is laid out, it’s time to create a UI/UX design that complements your app’s appearance and feel.

Low-fidelity wireframes are an excellent place to start when showcasing simple user flows and layouts. Next, move on to comprehensive mockups that include the visual design components of your app. Regarding the tools, Figma is a viable choice for interactive user testing during collaborative design and development.

Regarding the latter, prototypes can gather usability and design appeal input during user testing sessions. Sites such as Marvel or InVision can offer insightful information about which design elements should be specified before work starts.

Should you choose turnkey outsourcing, the team creating your custom application will handle all design work. Outlining your vision and approving the drafts and final design will be your primary duties.

If it fits your demands better, you can outsource just the app’s design phase. Check out our blog post, which explains everything you need about app design and related expenses.

Step 3: Create your application

The most crucial step of the process is about to happen: converting those designs into a workable mobile application. Prioritizing the development of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is always a good idea when starting the custom mobile app development process. With the help of real users, you can evaluate the value proposition of your product early on with an MVP that includes the essential features of your app.

Step 4: Conduct quality assurance tests

Testing now. Consider this phase of creating a Custom Mobile App Development In Bangladesh as the rehearsal for your wedding. Before you roll it out, you test your software to see how it performs, just like you would have a rehearsal party before a wedding. Your team can accomplish this by introducing automated testing early in the development cycle to find and address bugs. In terms of technology, this can include mobile app testing automation tools like Appium.

Getting insightful customer feedback during a beta release is crucial to improving the app before its official release. You can distribute your beta app to a restricted user base using platforms like the Google Play beta feature for Android and TestFlight for iOS.

Comprehensive security testing is also a valuable technique for finding vulnerabilities. Make sure your app conforms to tactics and applicable data protection standards. You can hire a team with the necessary expertise to handle software testing, just like you would with any other step in the custom Businesses App Development process.

Step 5: Install and start

The deployment and launch of the custom mobile software is the most exciting phase of the entire process. There is a checklist to go through before you step into the spotlight.

Along with other things, it’s critical to:

  • Check the functionality of the entire app.
  • verify compliance with all applicable regulations,
  • conduct a last security audit to protect user information,
  • record every API,
  • Verify that the backend architecture of the app can accommodate the increase in users.

You must submit your app to the appropriate app stores when you’re ready to launch.

Your software must abide by Apple’s software Store Review Guidelines to be listed on the App Store. Thus, preparing your app’s assets and metadata for use would be best. To submit your program for evaluation to the Store Connect program, you can utilize Xcode.

To ensure your program is approved for Google Play, ensure it complies with the standards found in the Google Play Developer Policy Center, add images and a description to the listing, then submit your APK or program Bundle files through the Google Play Console.

Before allowing your app to be published in their stores, both platforms will take their time to review it and make sure it satisfies their criteria.

Step 6: Improve and update the application

The show continues after the curtain call. Moving forward, the cornerstones of your custom application will be strategies like continuous deployment and feedback loops.

What does that signify?

At this phase, you and your team set up the app’s internal feedback mechanisms and pay close attention to the ratings and reviews it receives from users. You may monitor user activity and engagement metrics with analytics tools, identify areas that still require work, and take action.

Additionally, you must set up Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to automate the build, test, and deployment processes. Here, tools like GitHub Actions or Jenkins can help streamline routine updates so that your software stays functioning and relevant over time.

Custom Mobile App Development
Custom Mobile App Development

Difficulties in Custom Mobile App Development In Bangladesh

Custom Mobile App Development is complex and involves several obstacles you should be aware of. These are the most typical ones.

Shortage of talent in technology

Nowadays, it can be challenging to locate the correct developers, regardless of whether you want to use outsourced custom mobile app development services or construct the app internally. Let’s discuss the first option and its complexity in Custom Mobile App Development In Bangladesh.

According to a 2024 Infragistics study, more than 37.5% of respondents reported having trouble finding qualified candidates for their software projects. Furthermore, there is a global skill shortage. Finding IT specialists who can create a custom app from the ground up takes time. The suitable candidates must be found, interviewed, and given several months to be onboarded. You put in a great deal of time, energy, and cash. Furthermore, there needs to be more assurance that hiring this professional will be a good fit.

Contracting bespoke Custom Mobile App Development to a separate business is preferable since you can immediately determine whether the latter has the necessary experience. In addition, you agree to a contract that protects you against failures and hazards. Your burden is much lessened because the outsourcing business is responsible for finding the appropriate personnel and ensuring the project is completed successfully.

Expenses of Custom Mobile App Development

The hardest part is figuring out how much it will cost to develop a unique mobile application. Why? Various factors, most difficult or impossible to anticipate, affect how much development will cost.

For example, you could add a few features later in the development cycle. Alternatively, a bug could surface during testing and cause a few days or even weeks’ delay in the Custom Mobile App Development process.

Furthermore, your development team’s location and degree of experience can significantly impact labor prices (see our blog post about the top nations to outsource your development). Costs may increase due to specific skill sets or high-demand sectors. Unexpected costs for your project may also arise from the use of specialized technologies or the requirement for outside services like cloud hosting or sophisticated security measures.

In addition, you should include the continuing expenses related to app updates and maintenance after it launches since these might affect the overall cost of ownership and should be included in your original budget planning.

Below is an approximate pricing guide for several mobile applications kinds to help you get a better idea of prospective bespoke mobile Custom Mobile App Development costs around the world:


$25K to $45K for real estate apps, $35K to $100K for healthcare apps, $40K to $90K for marketplace apps, $30K to $70K for fitness apps, $35K to $75K for social media apps, $50K to $300K for fintech apps, and $80K to $150K for e-commerce apps app for on-demand delivery: $55K to $950K 


These numbers are approximations that consider many variables, such as the feature sets in question, the location of the development team, and the complexity of the unique mobile application. We’ll look at a more thorough analysis of Custom Mobile App Development costs separately.

Technical intricacy

One of the biggest obstacles to Custom Mobile App Development is technological complexity. The features you want in your app shouldn’t have to be sacrificed to make it scalable enough to support more users or data. This, of course, makes things more complicated.

Developers of custom mobile apps need to be up to date on emerging technology, security protocols, and regulatory constraints. The introduction of novel technologies makes the development process more manageable.

On-time delivery

Delivery is a common challenge when designing custom software. As previously mentioned, scope modifications, technological difficulties, and unanticipated bugs frequently cause delays in software development.

Using agile development techniques and efficient project management is one way you can reduce these risks. Good communication will keep the project on track and benefit all parties involved, including developers, project managers, and clients.

How Microdeft Can HelpCustom Mobile App Development In Bangladesh

At Microsoft, we have experience developing unique applications like Sprint, Nomad, Dollar Shave Club, and Aspiration. Every Custom Mobile App Development In Bangladesh activity we undertake is based on input from user testing interviews and user demands. Among our values is the product attitude. For this reason, a crucial component of our development efforts is product discovery.

Before starting the Custom Mobile App Development In Bangladesh process, we always Speak with our customer to fully understand their needs, Conduct a discovery stage to confirm their ideas, requests, and product assumptions;

  • Conduct in-depth user research to determine the actual demands of people;
  • Find the most excellent technology solution by conducting research.
  • Let’s examine some of the bespoke applications we have developed for customers in various sectors in more detail.

What Makes Custom Mobile App Development In Bangladesh the Best Option For Businesses App Development In 2024?

These days, tailoring your mobile app is a sure way to raise customer satisfaction levels. Additionally, you can incorporate sophisticated features not offered by the operating system.

Custom Mobile App developers improve customer experience and apply cutting-edge concepts that will benefit consumers to produce unique goods tailored exclusively to your target market.

The following are some possible benefits of designing and developing custom mobile applications:

Better User Experience

Personalized mobile applications facilitate mobility and simplify how customers use your goods or services. Users will feel more appreciated and acknowledged if your Custom Mobile App Development provides a personalized and easy-to-use interface.

Enhanced Output

Custom mobile app development offers businesses a customized workflow. Users can share information via mobile devices, communicate in real-time, and access the app from anywhere.

Enhanced Security

To restrict access to authorized users, Custom Mobile App Development can use extremely secure authentication methods like two-factor authentication. A bespoke app for business allows you to grant varying levels of access to your users.

Market Divide

You may distribute content with bespoke mobile apps based on user interests and choices. Customers will find the app more valuable as a result of being able to experience your offerings from a more individualized perspective.

Enhanced Image of the Brand

Unquestionably, successful and user-friendly mobile apps can help you improve your brand’s reputation by showcasing your company’s professionalism and attention to client needs.

Essential Things to Look for in a Custom Mobile App Development In Bangladesh Firm

Finding and employing the best Custom Mobile App Development company can take business time. Everyone desired to entrust their ideal project to the top Custom Mobile App Development services to get the best outcomes from the final output.

A few clear indicators should be taken into account before choosing the finest mobile app developers, even though app creation expenses, development experience, and firm portfolio are still crucial factors to consider.

  1. An Upbeat and Flexible Method

A competent company with custom mobile app development should be concerned about your product’s success. To finish the job, they must be willing to go above and beyond and have an optimistic attitude.

Professional developers should be OK with tight deadlines, but they can only sometimes escape crunch situations. When you have a product launch or feature delivery deadline, a top-notch Custom Mobile App Development team will rise to the occasion and do the job as soon as feasible.

Another red flag is the time it takes to get a response. Prompt answers to client inquiries convey a developer who genuinely cares about your project. There should always be a human representative to read and respond to specs and business requirements, even if most Custom Mobile App Development organizations employ automated email responses.

  1. Techniques for Managing Tasks and Time

Expert designers and developers of mobile apps are dependable. They maintain everything on schedule and are dedicated to their task. One of a developer’s most important abilities is estimating how long a task will take to finish, communicating that estimate, and carrying it out. Skilled Custom Mobile App Development businesses should be adept at managing their teams or clients, not controlling them.

Making a short-term contract and having a review period when everyone gives input on the development team is the best approach to test any mobile application development house and ensure they have these talents. The key is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your team early on and then evaluate the team based on performance.

If someone isn’t performing how you want them to, you may have to make the painful decision to let them go from the team and give it to someone else. At Radixweb, we offer free consultations, trial periods for new engagements, and frequent check-ins to ensure everyone is on the same page.

  1. Standards and Strategies for Mobile App Design

Since the release of the renowned Design Patterns book by the so-called Gang of Four, UI/UX designs and patterns have become quite popular. Patterns can be seen everywhere, including in all human undertakings and nature. The development of mobile apps is no exception.

All programming languages and operating systems have recurrent events and processes known as interface patterns. Although using various design patterns is something that a proficient Custom Mobile App Development company is always aware of and does, it is not their primary driving force. Rather than attempting to force the program into a predefined set of patterns, the developers identify opportunities to apply designs.

Applying an intuitive interface offers accuracy because it leverages previously obtained knowledge—a method for addressing a particular technological difficulty that has proven effective.

A poor app design will also worsen users’ experiences, drive them to uninstall the app, and harm your company’s reputation. Thus, employ mobile app designers with a track record of producing visually appealing user interfaces. Creative thinkers and designers know how to make a visually appealing application that provides a smooth user experience and creates a lasting impression on the intended audience.

  1. Flexibility and Adjustability Built-In

Flexibility and adaptability are two of the most critical aspects of bespoke Custom Mobile App Development services. A strict work atmosphere is not going to increase productivity.

Experienced app developers know that company requirements might alter at any time and that they may have to cope with unforeseen issues because the process of developing mobile apps can be unpredictable.

Furthermore, a top-notch custom application development business should be able to provide the best results possible in certain circumstances. Custom app developers must reengineer processes and play around with technology to achieve business requirements. They also always look for proactive methods to improve things.

  1. Thorough Understanding of Current Technologies

A Custom Mobile App Development business that fits your needs should have experience with various technologies and know how to use the finest ones for your project. Hiring an app developer with experience with a product or technology similar to yours is always a good option.

A reputable organization will write clean, readable code by adhering to coding standards and code quality guidelines. Combining their industrial expertise with cognitive skills lets them quickly develop the best answers. An experienced Custom Mobile App Development team ought to be proficient in using top-notch DevOps tools and various project management platforms, such as Git, Jenkins, Jira, and others.

To make sure the business you select has the necessary technical know-how, you might perform a technical interview, request samples of their prior work, or provide them with a brief programming task to complete.

  1. A Concentrated Approach to Risk Reduction

Changes are only sometimes welcome and may come as a shock. Issues often arise when working on a complex Custom Mobile App Development project. Given this, the development team behind your mobile apps must have exceptional risk management skills. They must not only guarantee the privacy of your project but also create safety nets and recognize any security risks.

Receiving a draft of a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) indicates that your mobile application’s design and development house can handle risks. Consequently, no one can steal your mobile app idea or concept—not even your rivals. It’s also positive if they openly discuss possible risks and solutions.

However, the company offering Custom Mobile App Development Services is extraordinarily upbeat and optimistic about the project as a whole. It would be best to explore other developers with more systematic approaches. Everything is OK with the carefree Custom Mobile App Development company. But, you can be facing a loss of tens of thousands of dollars or more if anything is discovered. That is different from how you want to spend your money.

  1. Post-Deployment Maintenance and Support

One key element distinguishing a capable mobile application development business from the rest is the caliber of post-launch assistance.

There is still much work on your product, even after the mobile application development process is over. Even if your program is user-friendly, well-tested, and well-designed, it still needs maintenance.

This begins with the company’s approach toward its clients, as trustworthy Custom Mobile App Development companies solely view their clients as partners. They are concerned about how the software is assisting the client in improving their infrastructure and functionality. They invest significantly in post-deployment support and maintenance services to detect obstacles and offer on-demand technical assistance.

Frequent safety and stability inspections would be advantageous as well. Your solution should always be up and functioning, according to your custom application development firm. They must address potential issues to ensure optimal user experience and practical functionalities. Remember that an unforeseen, serious app issue could cost you money and users.


What are the main advantages of Custom Mobile App Development In Bangladesh over off-the-shelf options?

Custom mobile apps frequently provide Tailored solutions that match particular business demands and client expectations. They provide companies with a competitive edge in this approach since they offer unique features and improved user experiences that aren’t in off-the-shelf alternatives.

How much time does it take to create a Custom Mobile App Development?

A Custom Mobile App Development can take three to four months to a year or longer to design. The app’s features, complexity, and the effectiveness of the development process all affect how long it takes to complete.

How much does it usually cost to create a unique mobile application?

Creating a Custom Mobile App Development costs typically between $25,000 and $200,000. This range considers several variables, including app complexity, design specifications, and the location and experience of the development team.

How can a Custom Mobile App Development be made secure?

You must use strong data encryption, carry out frequent security audits, follow best practices for data protection, and keep up with emerging security protocols and technologies to guarantee the security of a Custom Mobile App Development.